Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
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Danh mục: Phiếu bài tập
Phiếu bài tập (Worksheet) Tiếng Anh dành cho trẻ em ở định dạng PDF giúp giáo viên và phụ huynh dễ dàng in ấn với chất lượng cao.

Respond to a Quote: Prompt #4

Jackson’s Presidency: Analyzing a Political Cartoon

Writing New Year’s Resolutions

Surface Area Word Problems

Population Growth Factors

Label the Animal Cell: Level 2

What Factors Affect Gravity?

Descriptive Writing: Picture Prompt #2

Respond to a Quote: Prompt #3

My Reading Tracker

Respond to a Podcast Episode Graphic Organizer

Write Equivalent Ratios #1

Novel Study: Anne of Green Gables: Post-Reading Response Prompts

Informational Reading Comprehension: Biography of Thurgood Marshall

Respond to a Topic: National Music in Our Schools Month (March)

Respond to a Topic: National Library Lover’s Month (February)