Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Addition Strategies

Using Base 10 Drawings in Two-Digit Addition

Move Along the Number Lines: Blank Templates

Subtraction with Decomposition

Mental Math Bingo!

Glossary: Mental Math Bingo with Multiples of 10

Vocabulary Cards: Mental Math Bingo with Multiples of 10

Strategy Cards: Three-Digit Addition

Glossary: Comparing Strategies for Three-Digit Addition

Vocabulary Cards: Comparing Strategies for Three-Digit Addition

Decompose to Add: Two Digits Within 20

Glossary: Multiples of 10

Vocabulary Cards: Multiples of 10

Treasure Chest II

Open Number Line Addition Within 1,000: Write the Equation #1

Fact Families

Add and Subtract to Find the Magic Word