Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Comparing and Contrasting in Nonfiction

Nonfiction Text Features Checklist

Venn Diagram: Compare and Contrast Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts

Firsthand or Secondhand Account?

Response Writing: Comparing Firsthand and Secondhand Accounts

Compare & Contrast Nonfiction Texts: The Underground Railroad

Compare and Contrast: Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Veterans Day

The History of African American Spirituals

Feeding Our Pets

Hot or Cold? How Temperatures Affect Plants

Comparing Two Nonfiction Texts

Compare and Contrast: Chemical and Physical Changes

Comparing and Contrasting: Feeding our Pets

Comparing and Contrasting with Sentence Frames

Top Hat Graphic Organizer

Vocabulary Cards: Comparative and Superlative

Compare and Contrast Whales