Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Language

Figurative Language in Context #3

Reading Comprehension: The Open Window

Extended Reading Comprehension: Excerpt Adapted From “Youth” by Isaac Asimov

Reading Comprehension: “King Chameleon and the Animals” and “The Hare and the Tortoise”

Reading Comprehension: Excerpt Adapted From The Railway Children

Determine the Meaning of Common Allusions

Remove the Unnecessary Word or Phrase

Relating Words With Analogies #1

Compare and Contrast in Poetry: “January” and “The Wind”

Extended Reading Comprehension: The Gift of the Magi

Express Ideas Precisely and Concisely

Extended Reading Comprehension: The Boatbuilders of Fiji

Figurative Language in Context #2

Determine the Meaning of Common Allusions #2

Reading Comprehension: Lost and Found

Relating Words With Analogies #2