Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Number Patterns

Dot to Dot Zoo: 2’s

Count Forward by Fives Maze: Two- and Three-Digit Numbers #3

Count Forward by Fives Maze: Three-Digit Numbers #1

Count Forward by Fives Maze: Two- and Three-Digit Numbers #1

Count Forward by Fives Maze: Two- and Three-Digit Numbers #2

Multiplication: Hop Along the Number Line (Part One)

Input and Output Tables

Input Output Math

Function Tables

Skip Counting to Find the Total

Skip Counting to 100

Find the Patterns! Multiplication

Count by Tens

Connect the Dots: Practice Skip Counting by Tens!

Even Numbers: 90-150

Odd Numbers: 101-161