Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Reading & Writing

Glossary: Steps to Make an Inference

Vocabulary Cards: Steps to Make an Inference

Introductory Phrases in Inferences

Glossary: Who Is Telling the Story?

Vocabulary Cards: Who Is Telling the Story?

Glossary: Inferences and Introductory Phrases

Vocabulary Cards: Inferences and Introductory Phrases

Comparing and Contrasting Scary Stories

Glossary: Scary Story Elements

Vocabulary Cards: Scary Story Elements

Identifying Common Adjectives

Vocabulary Cards: Adjectives in Informational Texts

Vocabulary Cards: Introduction to Charts and Diagrams

Formative Assessment: Telling Summaries

Describe in Pairs

Formative Assessment: Peer Persuasion Checklist