Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Reading & Writing

Fill in the Blank: Comparative Adjectives

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Discussion Guide #2

Fill in the Blank: Superlative Adjectives

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Analyze the Characters

Write Sentences With Superlative Adjectives

Visual Reading Log: Books Read This Year

Match the Synonyms: Level 1

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Ivan’s Homes

Write Sentences With Comparative Adjectives

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Discussion Guide #1

Identifying Adjectives in Sentences: Beach Day

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Post-Reading Writing Prompts

Writing Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Novel Study: The One and Only Ivan: Pre-Reading Activity

Write Sentences Using Abstract Nouns #3

Monterey: A City of the Sea