Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Reading & Writing

The Ugly Duckling’s New Friend

Word Bank: Emotion Charades

Graphic Organizer Template: Concept Web

Vocabulary Cards: Emotion Charades

Vocabulary Cards: Retelling with Paragraph Frames

Vocabulary Cards: Using the 5 W’s

Glossary: Using the 5 W’s

Vocabulary Cards: Vocabulary Focus

Glossary: Vocabulary Focus

Using My Own Words: The Frog Prince

Vocabulary Cards: Elements of Fairy Tales

Glossary: Elements of Fairy Tales

Vocabulary Cards: Making Predictions and Summarizing

Glossary: Making Predictions and Summarizing

Vocabulary Cards: Stop and Jot!

Vocabulary Cards: Exploring Reflexive Pronouns