Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Phiếu bài tập
Sách bài tập
Reflective Writing
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #5
Respond to a Topic: National Volunteer Month (April)
Respond to a Topic: National Great Outdoors Month (June)
Respond to a Topic: National Sandwich Month (August)
Respond to a Topic: National Anti-Boredom Month (July)
Write a Letter of Appreciation
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #8
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #7
Respond to a Topic: National Courtesy Month (September)
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #9
Respond to a Topic: National Dessert Month (October)
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #11
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #10
Respond to a Topic: National Gratitude Month (November)
Write a Letter of Appreciation to Yourself
Respond to a Topic: National Write a Business Plan Month (December)
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #12
Respond to a Quote: Prompt #13
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