Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Scaled Pictographs

Fourth Grade Independent Study Packet – Week 3

Good Odds: Statistics and Probability

Fourth Grade Fall Review Packet – Week 4

Data and Graphing

Comparing Pictographs: Tulips and Daisies

Reading Pictographs: Drink Your Milk!

Reading Pictographs: Eggplant Cooking

Reading Pictographs: Carrots for Bunnies

Reading Pictographs: Tomato Fest!

Comparing Pictographs: Football Time

Comparing Pictographs: Taxi, Taxi

Reading Pictographs: Building a New Town

Reading Pictographs: Going to the Theater

Pictographs: Say Cheese!

Reading a Bar Graph: Number of Athletes

Data Learning Check