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Subject: Themes

Fifth Grade Independent Study Packet – Week 5

Reading Comprehension: The Bamboo Cutter and the Moon Child

Extended Reading Comprehension: Excerpt Adapted From “Youth” by Isaac Asimov

Reading Comprehension: “King Chameleon and the Animals” and “The Hare and the Tortoise”

Reading Comprehension: Excerpt Adapted From The Railway Children

Reading Comprehension: Arachne and the Weaving Contest

Reading Comprehension: Excerpt From White Fang

Extended Reading Comprehension: The Gift of the Magi

Extended Reading Comprehension: The Boatbuilders of Fiji

Reading Comprehension: Lost and Found

Novel Study: The Giver: Discussion Guide #4

Novel Study: The Giver: Post-Reading Response Prompts

Novel Study: A Long Walk to Water: Post-Reading Response Prompts

Novel Study: The Hunger Games: Post-Reading Response Prompts

Novel Study: The Hunger Games: Discussion Guide #5

Novel Study: The Hunger Games: Discussion Guide #4