Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: U.S. History

Biography: Amelia Boynton Robinson

Civil War Quiz

Analyzing Political Cartoons: Women’s Right to Vote

American Civil War Battles: Graphic Organizer

American Colonies: Characteristics of the Three Regions

American Revolutionary War Battles: Graphic Organizer

American Revolution Timeline: Events Leading to the Boston Massacre

Checks and Balances: The Separation of Powers

Causes of the Civil War: Analyzing Events

Causes of the Civil War Timeline

Analyzing Historical Artwork: The First Thanksgiving, 1621

Articles of Confederation: Why Weren’t They Enough?

Crossword Puzzle: American Civil Rights Movement

Burt-Stark Mansion

Civil War: Confederacy vs. Union

Civil War Journal Entry