Thư Viện Tiếng Anh
Thư viện tài liệu tiếng Anh miễn phí
Subject: Word Patterns

Long “e” Sound

Long A Sound

Digraphs: Two as One 2

Digraphs: Two as One 1

Change Nouns Ending in Y to IES

Word Search: Find the Plural!

Plurals: Add “s” or “es”

Suffixes: Parts of the Job

Phonics Fun: Double O Words

Phonics Review: Consonant Blends

Complete this Sentence: Blends in Context

Practice Reading Vowel Diphthongs: ew

Practice Reading Vowel Diphthongs: ow

Practice Reading Vowel Digraphs: ea

Phonics Review: Digraphs and Silent Letters

Phonics Review: More Silent Letters